Friday, February 23, 2018

AIS 2018 End of Year Party!


Dear AIS Parents!
Thank you for signing up to bring goodies for the 2018 AIS End of Year Party! Some sign ups need corrections. For example, if you have signed up to bring cookies, please only sign up for 1 spot. We are assuming that with 1 sign up, you will bring enough cookies for 20 or so children so we need 5 separate sign ups for cookies. Same with all the other categories. So please correct any that you have signed up for so it only takes 1 spot. Please let me know if you have any questions tomorrow at AIS or you can call me at 571-218-6481. Thanks, Kokeb
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Thursday, February 22, 2018

AIS February 24



THIS is the FINAL FULL session for this term.


We have 4 teachers scheduled.


Next week, we have children’s presentations scheduled. Some of you wanted to teach and for various reasons, could not. If you still want to volunteer, we will schedule you for next week for the first 45 minutes, followed by children’s presentations and the mini-party we always do.


EVERYONE is welcome to attend-listen and enjoy-the presentations at Montgomery College on March 10th.


We have extended the project registration deadline to midnight of the 23rd. Please understand, your children’s attendance, willingness to prepare and present projects, Parent’s participation all count towards re-registration. Plus the projects are meant to give your children the ability to understand the process, provide self-confidence and the satisfaction of achieving a goal-maybe their first milestone in life for some. Depriving them of the opportunity because we, as adults, are “so busy”, is at best a poor excuse!!


Enough saidJ


We have 4 great sessions this week-Hopefully some of you who have been slacking will come-we love to see you all. I WOULD LIKE TO STAR by 8:55-Please come a bit early.


1.      Solar System & the Night SkyLEARN all about planets, who goes around who and why, are the orbits elliptical or circular, how far one has to travel to reach a planet, WHO lives on them, what do you see at night in the sky, how to identify the planets, stars and strange objects in the sky, Do stars really twinkle (is the nursery rhyme really true??)

2.      Optical Illusions: LEARN all about what ILLUSIONS are, why do we see (or think we see) things, What is a MIRAGE,  are illusions and imagination the same, does everyone see illusions the same way or not (Why not), how are Magic and Illusions related

3.      Citric Acid-uses and experimentation: LEARN about the many uses and functions of citric acid, learn how acids and bases react, taste test the difference citric acid makes in your favorite juices, and you'll even get the chance to learn how to write secret messages to your friends that no one else can easily decode!! Have you ever wondered what causes oranges to taste tangy? Have you ever wondered what causes your orange juice or soda to fizz up?

4.      Chemistry in Everyday Life: LEARN all what is in the medicines we buy from pharmacy; how we get it; how are drugs discovered, by whom, what are steps in drug discovery and developments; who makes the drugs (medicines). What a chemist do in the lab, how they purify their reactions etc. In the end of presentation kids can do thin layer chromatography, a hands on experiment. 

5.      YOGA for the soul-The Last session-come and make your teacher proud!!


Doug-We would love to have you come by if you can-this Saturday and/or the next two Saturdays.







Tuesday, February 20, 2018

AIS 2018 End of Year Party! Invite

Group Organizing Made Easy

You have been invited by Kokeb Kassa to sign up for "AIS 2018 End of Year Party!." Please click on the button below to view the online sign up sheet.
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Parent's day projects




Dr Krishna, has been tirelessly tracking and encouraging parents to register for presentations.


Few guidelines:


1.      Those who formally registered on-line can and will present at Montgomery College on the 10th of March. If you would not be present that day, let us know and you can present at Leidos on the 3rd.

2.      Those who registered late with me WILL present on the 3rd at Leidos. You are WELCOME to attend on the 10th-in fact you should, it is great fun.

3.      Please DO NOT try to perform an experiment when you are presenting-things WILL GO WRONG. Do it home and SPEAK to what was done.

4.      Per the latest note from Dr. K:

Only 45 kids have registered for the parents’ day at Montgomery College. The due date has been extended to Friday, Feb 23rd midnight.


Please work with your kid and submit the project ASAP. 





5.      This is less than a 50% response. THIS PUTS THE CONTINUITY OF THIS PROGRAM AT LEIDOS IN JEOPARDY. Many of us and some of you toil hard to prepare, present, attend and gain knowledge for you and your children. The response so far belies the interest that folks said they had. Please PROVE ME WRONG!!





Fwd: Parent's Day Project Reminder

Sorry for the typo.. 

The due date has been extended to Friday, Feb 23rd midnight !


We have received only 45 kids registered for the parents day at Montgomery College. The due date has been extended to Friday, Feb 18th,  midnight

Please work with your kid and submit the project ASAP. 



Monday, February 19, 2018

Parent's Day Project Reminder


We have received only 45 kids registered for the parents day at Montgomery College. The due date has been extended to Friday, Feb 18th,  midnight

Please work with your kid and submit the project ASAP. 

