Wednesday, February 14, 2018

AIS 2/17



At last count, from what I was told there were about 20 or so registration forms sent in. Please understand that this is a program for your children, for all including adults to gain knowledge, and show the fruits of the teachers’ (many of whom understand the prep time you put in) efforts in terms of a project. The preparation, thinking and delivery is to provide your children to understand the steps, the effort needed, the thought process and a presentation opportunity.


If you as parents do not “strongly” encourage them to do it, I believe a wrong example is set. As kids, I know they look up to you parents and generally follow your zeal, enthusiasm, perseverance, dedication-qualities instilled and learnt at an early age.


Hence, please encourage and convince them.


Teachers and others-any concerns, needs –please copy the four folks on the CC list. They will, as usual, work their magic to get you what you need. Sundry supplies-scissors, glue, rulers are in the adjacent room-please use if needed and put it back.


To the teachers doing acids and bases, and the rising sea levels-please bring paper towel rolls if possible. As usual some cooperation is needed to clean up, put furniture back, turn displays off etc.


I assume our consummate recording artist will work his magic and of course, there will be the usual “FULL” Yoga session this week.


Last I heard, snow was expected in the evening-so come to class and go ice-skating later-probably, sadly- the last snow of the season-if we get it.




Sessions are:


1.         ACIDS AND BASES (CHEMISTRY): LEARN all about ACIDS and BASES; what are the differences between them? What happens when you MIX them? EXPERIMENT with Universal indicator paper to see which substances are acids and which are bases. ; Does your body have both ACIDS and Bases? MAKE SHERBET – and taste it tooJ

2.      CYBER SECURITY: LEARN about the “ADULT” world of cybersecurity; How to prevent being hacked; how to hack others: How to code, encrypt messages and pass on secret messages to others; How many ways can a secret message be written. From a “Real-Life” practitioner!!

3.      RIVERS & OCEANS: What are they, which one has waves, what are Lakes, which is more dangerous-flowing water or rising water. Watch and see and probably create a wave, watch it rise (Not overflow and Damage the Leidos carpet!!)

4.      If Necessary there will be a fourth session.