Parent’s Role in Science Projects

Parent’s Role in Science Projects

  • The parent’s role is not exactly hands-on, but not exactly hands-off either. Think of yourself as chief facilitator. Your place is in the back seat, hands folded (make that clasped!) in your lap, with the student at the wheel (except, of course, for those trips to the craft store and transporting delicate 3-D models and tri-fold display boards).
  • Be there for moral support, to help gather supplies, keep an eye on the calendar, monitor progress, and to make sure things don’t (unintentionally) explode, catch on fire, or slip through the cracks.
  • Regardless of your level of expertise in science, consider volunteering to help in the classroom or at the science fair itself. Teachers usually welcome extra help, as well as students whose parents may not have as much time to help as they’d like.
  • Towards the end of the process, build in time to listen to your child rehearse the oral presentation. Be a kind audience member, give gentle reminders and a bit of constructive criticism, and ask helpful questions.
  • On the day of the science fair, your job is to keep things calm and cool, and to remind your child to relax and enjoy the event..

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