Thursday, March 1, 2018

AIS March 3



a.      Azita-Please come and join us-we would love to have you

b.      If anyone has pictures-digital- that they took during the sessions or from Rocket launching, PLEASE send them to me as soon as possible (email attachments please)



PLEASE READ through.


1.      This is the last session at Leidos for this term. DO NOT COME HERE NEXT SATURDAY-NO ONE WILL BE THERE


2.      We have a full slate of activities-3 brief sessions, Children’s presentations and a party.


3.      Please arrive by 8:30 ish-I would like to start by 8:45 ish so we have enough “party time”!!


4.      For the presenters, please ask them to practice at home once at least-a suggestion.




5.      NEXT Week (March 10)-We all meet at Montgomery College in Germantown for Parent’s day-when children from all sites (including ours ) will be presenting.


6.      I sent out the Parking pass you need to put on your cars-if additional cars are coming, please download the pass and put one on the other cars too.


7.      Please arrive by 8:30 AM to find your building and room.


8.      Please bring presentations on a flash/thumb drive. NO PERFORMING EXPERIMENTS-just speaking about what was done.


9.      Presentations start at 9:00 AM


10.   Everything should get done by 11:45AM -12:00 Noon



For this Saturday we have Three (3) sessions- NO YOGA-your instructor is on vacation!!


1.      Are you a Superstar? Do you want to be one? What is a Superstar and what do you need to do to be there (Jump over Tall buildings? Walk on Water? Never Sleep?)

2.      How does Clothing and Fashion Industry affect the Environment? This is a funny, interesting  topic; you will learn things you never knew (and your parents never knew –some parents—either)

3.      Mystery topic


Please bring your family and friends, take pictures of your kids as they are presenting, have fun at the party-(Please do not forget to bring stuff for the party!!)




Raj Reminder for AIS 2018 End of Year Party!

Group Organizing Made Easy

This message is to remind you that "AIS 2018 End of Year Party!" will be taking place on Sat, 03/03/2018 8:00AM - 11:00AM EST at AIS Leidos.

You have not yet responded to the RSVP.
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Tuesday, February 27, 2018

AIS 2018 End of Year Party!


Dear AIS Parents!
Since there is a great turn out for the AIS End of Year Party this Saturday, we have added more sign up slots for food and drinks. Please sign up to bring something if you haven't already. When you sign up, please only use 1 slot but bring enough for 10-15 kids (for example if you sign up to bring cookies, only sign up for 1 spot but bring cookies for 10-15 kids). Let me know of any questions! Thanks, Kokeb
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AIS 2018 End of Year Party! Change

Group Organizing Made Easy

This email is to notify you that Kokeb Kassa recently made a change to the SignUpGenius form "AIS 2018 End of Year Party!".

Updated the sign up slot: Cookies

Provided the following comment: We have added more sign up slots since there are so many people coming to the party, we need more food and drinks!
View Sign Up
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FW: Parent's Day, March 10, 2018



FORWARDING an email from the honorable Bob Shull, the mercurial AIS PresidentJ


The highlights are mine-so as to draw your attention to the salient points-knowing how “thorough” you all are in reading through emails!! I have paraphrased some and italicized a few words too!!


As you know, Parent’s Day will be held on March 10, 2018, again at the Germantown campus of Montgomery College.  I attach a map of the campus to this note.  Presentations will be in Buildings BE, HS, and HT.  Programs will be sent out before the event and also available in the lobby of Building BE.


The timing for Parent’s Day, March 10, 2018, will be the same as last year.  Presentations will start at 9:00 am and continue to about 10:30 am.   Then everyone will go to Globe Hall (in building HT) for the Closing Ceremony which will last until about 11:15 amPLEASE arrive by 8:30 am at the latest to find the rooms in which your children will be presenting and to load their presentation onto the computer in that room using a thumb drive before the presentations start.  (Probably Moderators should get there a little earlier to make certain everything is working.)  All these computers will have Power Point loaded on them. PLEASE –NO EXPERIMENTS TO BE PERFORMED AT THE PRESENTATION


Everyone will need to put a Parking Permit on the dashboard of their car when they park on the campus.  I attach that permit to this note as well.  Please print the Parking Permit and put it on your windshield before arriving at Montgomery College-Germantown on March 10.




“Parents are responsible for providing supervision of their children while at the Parent's Day event at the Germantown campus of Montgomery College on March 10.”


I’m sure it will again be an enjoyable event! 


Best Regards,



Dr. Robert D. Shull

President, AIS Inc.


Tel: 301-975-6035