Parents Day Presentations


Volcanoes How volcanoes work, impact, help farms and more... I will INCLUDE an experiment at the END!!!!
Reactions My project is about reactions. First, I will tell you the reaction we will discover. Then we will watch a video of the reaction. After we will discuss why this effect happened. Some of the reactions are citric acid with baking soda or mentos candy with soda.
Cryptography History of Cryptography and the science of keeping communication & information secret and safe.
Hot/Cold Dissolving Race Fill one cup with hot tap water and one with cold water. Find two identical pieces of candy, like two Skittles. Put one in each cup. Which dissolves faster? The fact will be examined and the justification will be provided.
Solar USB Charger for iPhones - mainly! Looking at my teenage sister, who gets restless when her phone charge drops below 51% I felt there should be a way to charge phone while outside and walking. We went on a trip to South West - all homes had SOLAR PANELS. That gave me an idea to make iPhones charge in the Sun.
The Magnificent Naica Crystal Cave In depth explanation of amazing naica crystals.
  We will learn where they are located, how the crystals are formed, when they were created and if life exists within them.
  We will also learn about scientists that study them and people who discovered them.
Self - Inflaiting balloon For the expirement, I will need a bottle, a funnel, a small balloon, vinegar and a teaspoon of baking soda. What makes the balloon blow it self up is because when the two ingredients mix together, they create carbonic acid which breaks up to create carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide wants to expand. But since it's in a bottle, the carbon dioxide has nowhere to go except up into the balloon.
Which cup keeps water coldest the longest? I tried using cold water from the refrigerator in foam, plastic, metal and glass cups.My hypothesis is that the metal cup will keep water coldest the longest.I used the cups listed above with 240ml of cold water in each cup.Then I measured the temperature after 10 min;I did this four more times.I'm doing this experiment at room temperature.Whichever cup keeps water coldest after 40 min is the cup that keeps water cold for the longest time.
Heart diseases - An investigation I will talk about Heart, how a heart functions, the diseases associated with Heart. Heart disease is one of the top killer and unexpected and what one should do to prevent from getting any heart disease.
Immune system and infection I am writing about the immune system and also explaining all 5 kind of white blood cell and first line defenses like bogged and ear wax plus skin I will also write about infection causer like parasite,virus and bacteria.I have some simulations to show how it works.
Ocean Animals and Pollution This project is a study about Ocean Pollution and how the ocean ecosystem is affected. I am also studying about how the pollution is caused and who is doing it . I am studying about the ways how we can reduce /stop the pollution.
how was space created?? the big bang,what did it do?and how?what was space like before humans discovered it?what features does space have?how each planet was formed?how many plants are there?why are the planets different from each other ?what's inside the planets?what might happen to space if sun explodes?
About the sun how was the sun created?how did the sun get the heat inside it?why does the sun rise in the east and set in the west?what else does the sun do good to us other than giving us heat and light?how much meters is earth's core from the sun?how does earth rotate clock wise or anti clock wise??
Coin Battery In this experiment I will make coin batteries using 3 different combinations of coins to compare to see which one creates the most voltage. Then I will see if it is enough to light and LED(if possible). To do this experiment live would take a few minutes but I will take photos and explain how the "battery" works.
Which gas is heavier oxygen or carbon dioxide? Material required:
  Baking soda
  Plastic bottle
  Balloons 2
  mix venegar and baking soda in plastic bottle and place ballon on top.The ballon blow up on its own with carbon dioxide inside and tie it.
  Take other ballon and blow with mouth ( oxygen) and tie it.
  When you throw both ballons on ground ballon with carbon dioxide will be on ground than with oxygen.
How to cheat your color vision The cone cells in our eyes can distinguish the primary colors, by looking at a certain color for an extended period of time, it will make those cells tired of that color and make the other color more appealing.
Do Plants Breathe? How? Why? In this project I am going to find out if plants breath? How do they breathe? How is their breathing connected to photosynthesis? Does this help us? I will conduct some experiments to determine if plants breath.
Science project She is planning to perform experiment reharding plant and music. Still working on exact subject.
Brushbot The Robot(s) we are building are made from brushes (tooth brushes and head brush). We are building the brushbots to test the hypothesis that robots with bent bristles go faster than robots with straight bristles.
Which Type of Ball Bounces the Highest We will measure how high different types of balls bounce from the same height on the same surface. We will use several types of balls and a yardstick to record the measurements. We will also hypothesize which ball we think will bounce the highest.
Which Type of Ball Bounces the Highest We will measure how high different types of balls bounce from the same height on the same surface. We will use several types of balls and a yardstick to record the measurements. We will also hypothesize which ball we think will bounce the highest.
Which Salt melts the Ice faster ? This experiment’s purpose was to determine which type of salt melts ice the fastest. Salts and ice were observed and researched.The time the ice took to turn completely into water was measured with a timer using different types of salt.
Power of Magnets How the magnet train works? I will demonstrate moving a battery in a copper spiral tunnel using magnets. This experiment uses copper wire, AA battery and some magnets. I will explain what causes this to move in the tunnel made of copper wire.
Fog This project will discuss what fog is. I will explain how fog is formed, what it is made of, and how it is measured. Different types of fog will be described. Why does fog look like clouds, and how is it different (if at all). The difference between fog and mist will also be talked about. What is the foggiest place on earth, and why is London so foggy?
Electromagnetic Fun I want to explore how electromagnetism makes objects move, why do they move in one direction and not the other, how can you change their direction of movement, etc. I want to create some toys that show how electromagnetism can be fun.
Magnetic Power Generator There are several ways to generate electrical power, which we need it to power everything in our lives. But by burning any type of fuels to generate power is often not very clean, and any type of fuel is limited in supply. The earth has a big magnetic pull. If we can use magneic field to generate power, it can be clean and we can have an unlimited power supply. I will explore making a small magnetic power generator to start learning more about this idea.
Do you get your blood type from one of your parents? My goal in this project is to learn about blood types and find answers to my questions. What is blood? What are the four antigens in blood? How is your blood type determined? What is the Rh factor? What blood types can be transfused safely? Do you get your blood type from one of your parents?
Which part of your body has the most nerve endings? My goal in this project is to learn about the nervous system and how it works. I will conduct an experiment about which part of our body has the most nerve endings and why. I will use a paperclip to figure out where the nerves are. My hypothesis is that our fingertips have the most nerve endings because of the fact that they can feel things better than any other part of the body.
Can we use fruits as sources of energy? Hypothesis is: We can use fruits as sources of energy. Make an electric clock using electrodes from a kit and apples. Will the clock work? Do the same experiment with banana. Will the clock work this time?
What Stains Teeth More? My hypothesis is that coke will stain teeth more than coffee or tea will. I will use hollowed eggs to represent teeth. I will soak the hollow eggs in separate containers of coke, coffee, and tea. The eggs will be photographed and observed every day to document the process of discoloration and record changes.
The Brain and Alzheimer's Mary's presentation will provide an overview of the anatomy of the brain and Alzheimer's disease. The presentation will provide information on the following:
  - What are the main parts of the brain and their function?
  - What is Alzheimer's disease?
  - Are there risks factors for Alzheimer's?
  - How is Alzheimer's diagnosed?
  - What are some symptoms of Alzheimer's?
  - Can Alzheimer's be prevented?
  - Is there a cure?
Volcano Eruption I would like to find out if the size of volcano hole affects the time of the eruption. Generally, the pattern of larger eruptions are associated with the size of the volcano hole. My project is about measuring the eruption times against the different size of volcano holes to ensure there is a correlation between the volcano hole vs. the eruption time.
Singing Wine Glasses I am planning to conduct an experiment that will show how we can make sound out of a wine glass using vinegar and water. The principle is known as “stick and slide”. It will demonstrate how rubbing of wet finger along the edge of a wine glass imparts energy to create resonance, which then leads to vibration in the air molecules, producing a sound wave. The experiment will also show   how we can vary the frequency of the sound wave to create a different;y pitched sound we hear.
Persistent Hyperplastic Primary Vitreous (PHPV): A Congentinal & Developmental Eye Disease Persistent Hyperplastic Primary Vitreous (PHPV) is a congenital and developmental eye disease. This project is a literature review that will explore the types, causes, diagnosis, treatment, and results of PHPV. The anatomy of the human eye will be explored and a physical model of a PHPV eye will be developed. The presentation will provide an overview of eye anatomy, a description of the disease, sharing of the model, and a description and photos from the   students' tour of the Pediatric, Developmental and Genetic Ophthalmology Laboratory at the National Eye Institute (NEI).
Effect of mentos on sodas The objective of the experiment to study the effect of mentos on various sodas (eg: Coke, Pepsi, Sprite, Mountain Dew, Fanta, Ginger Ale and Crush). I will conduct the experiment in a safe environment using the samples of selected sodas and record my observation.
Static Electricity What are electrons and protons? The detailed presentation will bring some light on how the static electricity works. How does this electricity different than regular electricity used in our homes and businesses daily?
Does the shape of crystal depend on the material We grew and observed several different types of crystals (such as alum, sugar etc) to test hypothesis that crystal shape depends on its material. Our hypothesis turned to be true, different materials grow crystals of various shapes.
Lenses What are lenses and what are they used for? What are the types of lenses? What is magnification and how can we measure the magnifying power of a lens? What is focal length and how can you measure that?
How Robotics works Robotics is the study of robots. Robots are machines that can be used to do jobs. Some robots can do work by themselves. Other robots must always have a person telling them what to do. Some robots study planets from space. NASA uses robotic arms to move large objects in space
  I will be presenting more details on Robotics.
Crystal growing Crystals are made up of atoms,ions and molecules that stick together in repeating three dimensional patterns . The shape of each crystal depends on the combination of ions, molecules or atoms making up the patterns.
Air Pollution- ways to minimize it In this presentation we are going to explore in detail about Air pollution, causes, impact on ecology and ways to minimize it. Air pollution has impacted environment and has led to global warming. It has also adversely impacted people's health.
Can mint create sparks? In this project I will explain if mint can create sparks if you chew it in the dark. Can mint create lighting? Learn all about that in this presentation. Why does the mint create sparks? Learn if other candies can do the same things that mint can do. Even get to try it yourself by having a mint!!!
Couch Potato Bioelectrics Using organic substances to derive electricity cleanly, effortlessly and environmentally friendly.
Can A Balloon Inflate Itself? I believe that it can, due to air pressure and other gases when it is closed shut. Maybe I could put an acid and a base in the balloon, close it, and then shake it.
  How Do You Make It Do That And What Is It Made Of?
The World of Freqencies Thesis Statement: I believe that you can hear frequencies as low as 20hz to as high as 20,000 hz
  What is frequency?
  What do low frequencies do to us
  What do high frequencies do to us
  Why can we hear these frequencies? why not higher or lower?
Bristlebot Kaleb Abeye will be investigating how the shape of bristles affects direction and speed of the kit Robots. The kit Robots are made of recycled motors and brush heads of different sizes and types. The observation is that bent bristles allow the brush more direction control but that speed may be affected. Using different sizes of robots we hope to determine if this is the case.
Couch Potato Bioelectrics A clock is powered by potato, lemon or tomato. Discover the science of batteries by building a vegetable powered clock. Materials that are going to be used include potato, lemons, copper and zinc plates, wire, and a clock.
MAKe your very own Bath FIzzies Have you heard of Bath Fizzies ?They are so much fun. Would you like to make one on your own? Come join me to know how we can make one and what is the chemistry behind it and why do they fizz in water?
Different Types of Magnets This project will study the different types of magnets there are. It will study the relative strengths of the magnets. It will study what materials there are made of. And it will also study their uses and applications.
Element and some strange properties There are several elements in the periodic tables. We only encounter over a few elements in our daily lives. But there are several more and some of them have very strange properties. The project will look into some of the elements with strange properties.
Which liquid makes a penny change most in color Experimenting pennies soaked in different liquids like vinegar, bleach, saltwater,
  detergent & lemon juice for 1 week. I believe the sour the liquid , more the penny will shine. I will take observations each day to see the difference.
Can Plants grow without soil? ,Yes. How? I am curious to research how plants survive without soil. I see cactus surviving in dry desert. I am looking into this and researching about it. I have seen coconut growing in water, also my mom soaking seeds for sprouting. it makes me think , how does it happen.
Salty Rain Why does not salt water become salt rain? Did you know, The water from the sea gets heated by the Sun, which will evaporate to form water vapor, and eventually becomes salt - less water in the clouds.
Couch Potato Bioelectrics Can a clock be powered by potato, lemon or tomato? Discover the science of batteries by building a vegetable powered clock. Materials that are going to be used include potato, lemon, copper and zinc plates, wire, and a clock
Why is Sky Blue We all know light is white but why does sky look Blue? I will walk you all through what the light is composed of, how to make light show its true colors, find reasons why rainbow is so beautiful and finally learn why sky is blue.
Nikola Tesla and his inventions A presentation of the man, the myth and the electrifying facts. This will include a brief description of electrical alternating current as well as disagreements with famed inventors Thomas Edison and James Westinghouse.
World Of hydraulics How we use hydraulics what It can be useful for and what it's in: car brakes heavy machinery like: excavators bulldozers and also garbage truck compactor and some play parks ( like Legoland) So what I'm going to use for this project is some plastic syringeis a wooden board ( for the base) popsicle sticks and a cardboard piece ( for the top base ).
How 3D glasses work Presenting along with Aadithya Mohan. Human vision and how 3D glasses work and various types of 3D glasses. How 3d images and videos are created. What happens when view the images through the 3D glasses.
Why Humans taste different foods differently? Earlier, people believed that different parts of the tongue have different types of taste buds that allow humans to taste specific food in a particular part of the tongue. However, recent theories have disproved this belief. In reality 80% of taste is actually smell. Remaining 20% is the chemical stimulus in the brain to recognize the taste based on past experience.
Buoyancy: Float or Sink? Have you ever wondered why a metal rod would sink but a much heavier metal cruise ship will float? In this presentation I will show that buoyancy is an upward force that occurs in fluids, and how the density, weight and gravity affects if an object will float or sink. So next time you go on a cruise, think about how you are still going with the flow.
Eggsecutor Osmosis: Shrinking and Growing of Eggs ***THIS PROJECT IS BEING SHARED BY KONA BODNER AND GABRIEL QUINTERO*** Placing an egg is different environments will grow and shrink an egg. We will test an egg in environments of vinegar, water and corn syrup. Osmosis makes this happen.
Air Pressure Demonstration Air, the common substance composed of many things, is everywhere; but can you feel the air pressure? In this demo, Bryan is going to talk about what is air pressure and do a water bottle demo to show the air pressure.
Slime My project will be about slime. I will first write the ingredients, then, I will write the steps of how to make slime. I will then write if it is a chemical or physical change and why I think it is a chemical or physical change
Make a Thermometer Using water, rubbing alcohol, clear narrow necked plastic bottle, food coloring make a thermometer. You can watch the thermometer and see how the liquid changes throughout the day. Also test what happens if thermometer is in shadow or in sunlight?
3D Vision How does human eye see 3D images despite the retina being 2D? What are 3D glasses? How do they work ?
  Aadithya will be working with Vinay Chinnadorai and they both will present together .
Why do hovercrafts hover? In my presentation, I explore why hovercrafts hover. I will explain the research that I did to learn about, and understand what makes a hovercraft work. I will explain the physics and engineering that makes travel by hovercraft possible. I will also discuss the different designs of a hovercraft and they have improved over time. Lastly, I will discuss how hovercrafts can be further improved.
Why can't two atoms touch ? The world is made up of atoms.You and I are both made up of tiny atoms.These atoms contain both protons and electrons . Protons are positive charges while electrons are negative charges.The core of a atom contains protons while the outside of a atom has electrons.Electrons always repel other electrons since there both negative charges. So when you think two things touch always remember it's not touching but getting close enough to feel.
Does the size of a paper airplane affect how far it flies? If you want a paper airplane to fly the furthest distance possible, should it be long and slim or short and stout? Should it be heavy or light weight? Tune in to find out the answers to these important questions!
Heart Rate The experiment I am going to perform is about the roles of a heart and how those roles affect us. In this investigation, I will confirm if the speed (fast/slow) affects those roles and how they affect the heart.
Preventing bread mold: will hand sanitizer or soap do the job Growth of bread mold is a common problem everyone faces. When you want to make a sandwich for lunch or toast for breakfast, you get a slice of bread and it is molded! I want to figure out if water, hand sanitizer or soap will prevent mold. I want to test this method to solve a common problem.
Do Some Liquids expand more than others when Frozen Goal of this Project is to find out if some liquids expand more than others by freezing different types of liquids. My Hypothesis is all liquids will expand to the same size and volume.
Environmental Pollution A long time ago, very few people lived on this planet.
  They searched for food and had very little belongings for example clothing, tents, tools, and weapons.They polluted very less too. But as population increased humans started to pollute and harm the environment. Today, pollution is a way bigger problem. There are 7 different types of pollution water pollution, air pollution, soil pollution, thermal pollution, radioactive pollution, noise pollution, and light pollution.The main type of pollution gases in the air are carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, methane, sulfur dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and nitrogen oxides. My research and presentation will explore the causes and the actions that we can take to reduce pollution and environmental degradation.
Exploring Liquid Density Why different liquids don't mix when poured in the same jar? what liquid is lest dense than water? What liquid can float on water? Why do things that are less dense float? All this while you learn to create a magical colorful tower!


Title of the Project Brief Description of the Project
Do Eggs Float or Sink in salt water? An egg sinks to the bottom if you drop it into a glass of ordinary drinking water but what happens if you add salt? The results are very interesting and can teach you some fun facts about density.

What's happening?

Salt water is denser than ordinary tap water, the denser the liquid the easier it is for an object to float in it. When you lower the egg into the liquid it drops through the normal tap water until it reaches the salty water, at this point the water is dense enough for the egg to float. If you were careful when you added the tap water to the salt water, they will not have mixed, enabling the egg to amazingly float in the middle of the glass.
Do vegetables lose glucose as they age? One day, I was eating an apple which was a bit brown and wondered if it had less glucose than a fresh apple, so I decided to conduct a science fair project about it. My dad and I ordered some glucose strips from the Internet to test the amount of glucose in a fresh fruit vs. the amount of glucose in an older or aged fruit. After I test the amount of glucose in the fruits, I will do some research with the Internet and some books to see what other people who conducted a similar experiments concluded with. This would help me in finding whether I did the experiment correctly or not.
Why does my snack turn brown? This food science project will examine the cause of snacks like apples, bananas and avocados turning brown if you don't eat them quick enough! It explore to see which liquids are best to slow down this oxidation process.
Salt effect on Plant Germination and Growth To study the effect of salt on plant seed germination and growth and to see various plant types and salt quantity in soil. I am taking two types of plant seeds and four variations of salt to study the salt effect.
Plants : The Living Things In my presentation, I am going to prove to everyone that plants are alive and why. I will also tell them about my research I did about experiments that other people did to prove that those plants out there have a heart and they have feelings just like us! I researched that plants are made out of cells, they produce young ones, and they need sunlight and water just like us! My presentation will be interesting , and the group will learn new things they never knew about plants!
Salt melting ice When water is at 32F temperature it becomes a solid.The solid is called ice. When it is in solid state its particles are close together.
When water is in liquid state the particles are far apart. When the temperature is above 32F the ice will start to melt and will becomes water.
This project is to try and find out which type of salt could melt the ice the fastest.
The types of salts I am using are rock salt, kosher salt, regular table salt and Epsom salt.
Does the size of the paper airplane affect how far it flies? Hypothesis:
I think the size will affect how far the airplane flies.

I will make 9 paper airplanes for testing. I will make 3 of them small, 3 of them medium sized, and the last 3 large. I will test 1 small, 1 medium, and 1 large in each test. I will do three different tests. I will measure the distance each plane flies. I will find out if the size makes a difference.
Can We Grow Veggies without Soil Growing vegetables without soil does not look practical at first glance, but after some research I found that it is possible with Hydroponics technique. Then I decided to explore this method.

Hydroponics - it is a method of growing plants using mineral nutrients solution in water, without soil. The plants are grown with their roots partially submerged in nutrient solution. In this culture either solution is used or inert medium like gravel, coconut coir etc is used.

The major benefit of Hydroponics are that we will get higher quality and better taste of veggies. Also this technique is very useful in areas where agriculture land is very less like Hawaii. And NASA is also using Hydroponics to grow plants in space station and it is also planned for future use on Mars.

Am going to do experiment on static solution culture method of Hydroponics to grown my own salad veggies at home to verify it works or not.
Stars This project includes the history of stars and how they live. I will talk about how you see constellations in space and how they form. It also states how they get their light and how they retire. And lastly, what they are made of.
What liquid makes a penny change most in color Drop pennies in different liquids like vinegar, salt water, tomato sauce, milk, water, soda, orange juice and soak for a week. Then take out pennies and notice which penny has changed most in color and why is this has happened.
How the wing types,wingspans and size affect the flight of a paper plane This project will describe how features of the paper planes affect its flight. There will be around seven PowerPoint slides that are full of details. One of these will be the hypothesis (on the second PowerPoint slide) and a conclusion (the final slide). The first slide will be the title. And the rest of the PowerPoint slides shall talk about flight, the planes, and the test flights.
Why does a star shine? My project is to find out why a star shines and what happens inside a star. What materials and forces in a star make it shine for hundreds and millions of years. My project involves researching about about gravity, gases and nuclear fusion.
Which cleans a penny faster? Lemon juice or Vinegar I used 2 pennies minted in the same year which were equally dirty and used lemon juice to clean one penny and vinegar to clean the other. I used 2 similar plastic containers and used same amount of liquid in each container to cover the penny completely and let it sit in the liquid for 60 minutes. After the 60 minutes the penny cleaned with lemon juice was cleaner than the penny cleaned with vinegar
Does Music affect your mood Does Music affect your mood.
The purpose of this expirement is to help me, and everyone who looks at my data, understand the connection between sound and our emotions. This will be useful for therapists who want their patients to overcome their depression. It could help develope a new strategy of promoting happiness if I can find genres of music that encourage listeners to be 'happy'.
Water Experiment to find out if the water from different sources is any safer to drink than the water from our toilet. Presentation will base on the world water crisis.
*Test the sample water for coliform bacteria, Lead, Pesticides, Nitrates, Nitrites, Chlorine, Hardness & pH levels.
Baseline will be the water from store bought bottle water.
Food Fungus My project will be about food fungus. I will describe to the audience my hypothesis and show power point slides that will depict the subject(slice of bread) detailing how much fungus will grow on the slice of bread over a period of time. Also I will list facts about mold such as the conditions needed for mold to grow on the slice of bread. At the end of my presentation if time permits I will list safety precautions in regards to mold.
Heart Health The project is about how many times your heart beats on average and how much faster it beats when you do exercise. The experiment compares which exercise (jump rope, hula hoop, climbing up a pole) makes your heartbeat the fastest.
Density and Bouyancy Objective: To examine how density of liquid affects buoyancy of objects. Experiment will be done using plain water and different concentrations of salt water and test if an egg would float or sink in each solution.
Paper airplanes and aerodynamics Objective: To examine how different shapes of paper airplane affect the aerodynamic of the plane. Experiment will be done by making different types of paper airplanes and compare the flying distance of each of them in a neutral air environment.
Why things float on water How does a massive ship carrying 4000 people float on water? Why does a small pebble in the water sink?

2000 years ago, a Greek scientist named Archimedes discovered the principle of buoyancy. This principle explains why some objects float and why some objects sink. I am going to do an experiment to explain this principle.
Bouncy Balls Goal of this project is to study elasticity by comparing the bounciness of balls with various characteristics. Measurement of the height of the bounce and duration of bounce would be used to differentiate among them.
Bouncy Balls Goal of this project is to study elasticity by comparing the bounciness of balls with various characteristics. Measurement of the height of the bounce and duration of bounce would be used to differentiate among them.
Can a magnet act through different surfaces? I'm planning to try to test if a magnet will attract a metal (like a paper clip) through thin layers of many different materials like paper, cloth, wood, plastic and more - and check if the magnet acts through the surfaces and attracts the metal or not? I intend to learn why and how it works or does not work.
Insulation Testing The aim of this project is to determine a good insulating agent. The purpose of insulation is to conserve energy in the same form. A good insulating material will help in energy conservation which also has an impact on the environment. The experiment will be conducted with 3-4 different kind of insulating material to compare the effectiveness of the insulation materials.
Why are some humans color blind? This project is to understand how eyes work. I am going to do research on why people see certain colors and why some other people can’t, and what they see instead of that color. I am going to do research on this subject by reading books and looking at science sites on the internet so I can explain how eyes work.
A Battery that makes cents Batteries are expensive, but you can make one for exactly 24 cents! In this experiment, Sachet will make his own voltaic pile using pennies and nickels.

In this experiment, he will make a simple battery out of coins and test if the number of coins in the pile will affect the amount of electricity produced. He will also experiment with other coins as well.
Mentos Geyser Experiment Why does Mentos create the geyser effect on sodas? Is it the candy or the container or the soda itself or a combination of all of the above? This experiment would explain what actually creates this effect.
Volcanos Following topics will be discussed:
What is a volcano?
How and why do volcanoes erupt?
Types of Volcanos
Volcanic Hazards
Volcano Monitoring and Hazard Mitigation
Fun Facts
Hands-on Demonstration of volcanic eruption
Electricity, Electroscope and conductivity Make electroscope and detect electricity with different type of materials. Build an electroscope (a device that can detect electrical charges) . Use materials with different conductivity and detect electricity.

Affect of microwave water on plant's growth In this experiment I will test which plant grows better - one that is watered with microwaved tap water & another that is watered with tap water. This experiment will show if the use of microwave is good or not.
why does the compass always face north A compass points north because all magnets have two poles , a north pole and a south pole, and the north pole of one magnet is attracted to the south pole of another magnet. (You may have seen this demonstrated by a pair of simple bar magnets or refrigerator magnets pushed end to end.)

The Earth is a magnet that can interact with other magnets in this way, so the north end of a compass magnet is drawn to align with the Earth's magnetic field. Because the Earth's magnetic North Pole attracts the "north" ends of other magnets, it is technically the "South Pole" of our planet's magnetic field.
How the heart works? This project explains various aspects of the ever-working human heart.
1. Importance of the heart
2. Structure of the heart
3. How the heart works
4. Things that can damage the heart
5. How to keep your heart healthy
6. Questions and Answers
What is a Black Hole and can astronauts really land on a planet orbiting very close to a black hole like what was shown in the movie "Interstellar?" I will explain what a black hole is and whether it is possible to land on a planet orbiting very close to a black hole like what was shown in the movie "Interstellar." Can you come back from an event horizon like they showed in the movie? In the movie, for every hour spent on the surface of the planet that was orbiting the black hole Gargantua, seven years elapse on Earth. Does "time dilation" really occur like this?
Are bulbs in a parallel circuit brighter, dimmer or the same brightness as those in a series circuit? I will experiment to see if bulbs in a parallel circuit are brighter, dimmer or the same brightness as than those in a series circuit. To test this, I will use two identical mag light flashlight bulbs, a 9V battery, tape and aluminum foil to do the experiment. I think the bulbs in both circuits will have the same brightness since they have identical bulbs and the same battery source.
What happens when you add dish detergent to milk? Does they type of milk used change the effect of the dish detergent? I will find out what happens when you add dish detergent to milk. I will experiment with different kinds of milk (skim, 2%, whole milk and cream) to see if the amount of fat in the milk makes any difference in the experiment. I will use the same brand and same amount of dish detergent in each experiment. I predict that the dish detergent will repel the fat in the milk. There will be more repelling action the higher the fat content is in the milk.
Afterimage Colors The project I will be doing involves color afterimages that we see when we look at a color for a long time and then look away and we see the same picture in a different color. An afterimage is a non-specific term that refers to an image continuing to appear in a person’s vision after the original image is gone. This is created when an image is seen for a long time and suddenly disappears and in this space there is a white area this causes you to still be seeing the image but in a different color. For red you see green, for light blue you see red, for yellow you see purple, and for regular blue you see orange. These are all complimentary colors you can see an afterimage by looking at a red circle for 30 seconds, then looking at a white area. You see the blue-green afterimage.
The afterimage disappears after several seconds because the red cone cells recover from looking at the red image for so long and become active again. When the red cone cells are active again, all three types of cone cells respond to the white surface, and you see the white region normally. You can even predict the color of the afterimage for most colors—it is the complementary color to the color of the object.
In this human biology science project, I will investigate how my cone cells respond to various colors by observing afterimages.

Cleaning Power of Vinegar Cleaning with vinegar. Which cleaning solution cleans better out of the ones used. Using different cleaning solutions. The other solutions used for this experiment are soap + water and lemon juice. Used these solutions to clean a penny and found out which one worked better and why.
Robots Research on robots, what they are, how they are used, and what can we expect in the future. Some history of when they were created, how they have helped humans, and what more they can do. Explain the different companies that are creating robots, and also how we will be using robots at home in the future.
How does the volume of air in a balloon affect the distance it travels? I will investigate how does the volume of air in a balloon affect the distance it travels? I will use balloons, a clothes line, 2 posts, straws, a tape measure, string and a binder clip to do the experiment. I will blow up the balloons to different sizes and let them 'blast off' along a clothes line (attached by a straw) to see which size balloon travels the farthest. I think the biggest balloon will.
Is Salt Water Water? This project is aimed to find salt water's unique characteristics through some simple experiments. It was initiated by seeing trucks spraying salt to treat roads after snowstorm. Salt water has a lower freezing temperature than fresh water. And also salt water's viscosity is higher than fresh water. Salt water is more of a conductor for electricity than fresh water. All the above conclusions were demonstrated and proved by some simple comparison experiments. Some will be explained further from a physical point of view.
Oil and Water Can oil and water mix? I will show experiment on oil and water, and in what situation they can mix.
There will be two experiments, and they will be fun. It should take about 10 to 15 minutes long.
In the presentation, I will show when can water and oil mix. I will also show that they normally they do not mix.

Is Salt Water Water? This project is aimed to find salt water's unique characteristics through some simple experiments. It was initiated by seeing trucks spraying salt to treat roads after snowstorm. Salt water has a lower freezing temperature than fresh water. And also salt water's viscosity is higher than fresh water. Salt water is more of a conductor for electricity than fresh water. All the above conclusions were demonstrated and proved by some simple comparison experiments. Some will be explained further from a physical point of view.
which vegetable/fruit produces more energy This project will teach me whether potatoes or lemons produce more energy. It'll help me find out where the energy comes from, if the fruit/vegetable produces energy. I think that the potato will give more energy.
which vegetable/fruit produces more energy This will teach me whether potatoes or lemons will produce more energy. I will research and find out where this energy is stored and how long this energy can last. I think the potato will give more energy than the lemon because lemon has more water in it and water probably doesn't have energy.
Electrical Circuits My project is about Electrical Circuits and I will talk about how circuits work, what they do in our everyday life, and the basics needed to know them. The experiment will be to light up a light bulb using a closed circuit. On one of the slides I will talk about why a circuit works only if it is closed and falls apart when it is open. Another slide talks about the major impact that circuits play in our life. It tells that many of the electronics we use today have circuits to work. Our laptops, computer, microwave, toaster, T.V., and so much more. The other slide which I have, talks about how circuits work. What part the negatively charged electrons do, and what they do inside the circuit. The hypothesis that I made is that a load, such as a light bulb, will light up some ways but not other ways. That is a brief description of what I will do on AIS Parents Day.
Barometer A Barometer is a device for measuring atmospheric pressure(the pressure resulting from the weight of the air above a given point). Another use for a barometer is an Altimeter which is a device that measures heights. As altitude increases, atmospheric pressure decreases because there is less air to press down. A Barometer used as an Altimeter has a scale marked in feet or meters above sea level. A Barometer is a very useful device because it can tell you when a wind storm is coming and helps the scientist to predicts weather.
Lemon Power In this project, you power a LED light bulb using 2 lemons, 2 flat strips of copper, 2 flat strips of zinc and insulated wire. First, you take one lemon and put a strip of copper on one end and zinc on the other and then do same to other lemon. Next, I take two 8 inch lengths of insulated wire and cut one in half. Then, trim some plastic insulation from the ends so that some wire is visible. Attach the long wire to one terminal of light and attach the other end to the piece of zinc on one of the lemons. Connect one end of the shorter pieces of wire to the copper on the same lemon. Connect the other end to the zinc on the other lemon. On the last small piece of wire, connect one end to the remaining copper and the other end to the light bulb. The science is that when you stick zinc and copper in a lemon, you draw electric power from it from the lemon through an external circuit. The zinc acts as the anode. Battery and critic acid in lemon make zinc negatively charged. This creates negatively charged electrons that flow to the cathode, the copper which is positively charged. This changes the energy of chemical reaction into electric energy by creating an electron flow which is made when electrons are attracted to the positively charged copper.
Effects of salt ona Germination of Plants There will be 3 plants. One plant with no salt water,another plant with one tsp salt water, and last plant with 2 tsp salt water will be monitored for one week. The effect of content of salt on plant will be presented finally as data.
Tsunami I will talk about Tsunami. How Tsunami create, when it created, why it is created, what is causes of Tsunami, where it created. how dangerous a Tsunami is?. What is early sign of Tsunami creation? I will be showing a little experiment that anybody can do at home.
Fungus-where it grows When you see fungus on a food object, its always on bread and never on a question is that why does fungus not grow on a cracker but does grow on bread? My hypotheses is that fungus needs some moisture to grow on something, if the object has no moisture, then fungus can not grow on it. A cracker is totally dry and has no moisture at all. however, a bead on the other hand has some moisture in it. this is why I think that fungus grows on bread and not a cracker.
Acidic reaction of Lemon on Milk This experiment shows reaction of acidic solutions on Milk. The mil is made up of mainly Fat, Protein, Water. The milk has specific protein called casein. The casein grouping are dispersed in milk with out bonding to anything. They are negatively charged.
When you squeeze lemon in the milk. it becomes more acidic and the groupings on casein without remaining separate start clumping together. They become neutralized. This is how Protein gets separated.
Controlling depth of field in photography Portraits look good when only the face is in focus whereas landscapes look good when everything is in focus. Depth of field in photography is definition of how much of an image is in focus.

This investigation reviews how to control depth of field to get optimal photographic results.
Skateboarding Physics In my presentation I will be talking about how a skateboarder does its tricks. Some examples of tricks are ollies and mid-air maneuvers. I will also be showing videos demonstrating a skateboarders tricks. In addition to this I will try to bring a tiny skateboard to demonstrate also what they do and how they do it.
Balloon-Inflating Chemical Reaction What happens when you mix an acid and a base?
This experiment will teach you how to make self-inflating balloons. It goes into the topic of what happens when you mix a base and an acid. The materials needed in this experiment are a test tube, vinegar, a small balloon, a funnel, and a teaspoon of baking soda. The experiment is about a chemical reaction.
Can trees filter water? Trees not only purify air but also help the environment by serving as a natural water filter.
The water in the atmosphere is polluted by automobiles, Industries and Households which eventually contaminates the streams, rivers and finally ends up in the ocean.
Most contaminants in water are absorbed by trees as they are essential nutrients for them and the dirt in water is filtered by well-developed root system under the ground thereby making the water that ends up in streams and rivers clean.
Fruit Electricity I want to check which fruit out of lemon, orange, banana, apple, grapefruit, kiwi, lime, pineapple and maybe others can produce more electricity.
My hypothesis is that lemon produces most electricity because it is the most sour one.
Where is it easier to swim, in a pool or sea? In this experiment we will figure out why objects float or sink and how it affects swimming in the sea or at the swimming pool. To do this we will use an egg as a floating body and the freshwater as the swimming pool and the saltwater is the sea water. Then we will see in which water the egg is floating easily.
SEED GERMINATION Seeds need optimum environment to germinate. I hypothesis that the seed germination time has no relationship to its size. I will conduct a study to test this hypothesis and will present the results during the parents day event.
Designing a Game Using Scratch Programming Designing a game using Scratch Programming

Brief description of scratch programming
What is Scratch Programming
How does it work
Explain how a game can be designing with Scratch programming
Demonstrate the game using scratch programming
Chlorofluorocarbons Chlorofluorocarbons are a group of manufactured chemical compounds that contain chlorine, fluorine, and carbon. They are colorless, odorless, nontoxic, nonflammable, and stable when emitted. When they are emitted and reach the stratosphere, they break apart and release chlorine atoms, which destroy the earth’s ozone layer.
Reflexes - Effects as humans age My dad says I have fast reflexes. Watching some people respond to accidental situations made me think what made some people react quickly to situations like falls or rushing to catch an approaching ball, while some people were slow.
I think reflexes improve until a certain time and then grow slower as we become older. But with exercise reflexes can be strengthened even with growing age. I conducted experiments and recorded the observations to find out.
Electricity-Magnetism The project will be on Electro-Magnetism.

Not sure what exactly he is going to do.
What is Electromagnetism?
How does Magnets effect Electrical Field ?
What are practical applications of electro-magnetism.
The Strength of an Electromagnet The main objective of this project is to find out that if you change the amount of iron or nickel in an electromagnet, will it increase or decrease the strength of the electromagnet. In this project I will test out my question using two different sizes of bolts, one is small and the other one is big. Then I will use these two bolts to make and electromagnet and test out each electromagnet’s power by using 60 paper clips. After that I will graph down how many paper clips has been picked up by the two different electromagnets and come with my conclusion.
Does vegetation effect soil erosion This experiment demonstrates the importance of vegetation to control soil erosion. I prepared 3 bottles by filling equal amount of soil in each. The soil in the first bottle is left as is. The second bottle soil is covered with mulch. In the third bottle I grew vegetation by sowing grass seeds. Once the grass grew up to 3-4 inches height, I started my trials. I poured equal amount of water in each of the bottles and collected them in 3 different cups to compare the results. The water collected from the vegetation bottle was more clear than the water from other two bottles. This shows vegetation stops the soil from eroding.
Formations of Dry Ice Different formations and experiments using dry ice(frozen cabondioxide).
Hot water on dry ice steams out and helps in the formation carbon-dioxide which is a gas.A dense white cloud of fog first rises above the basin. As more fog is produced, it stops rising and flows over the rim of the basin and down to the table top.

Illustrates changes in state, density of a heavier than air gas, and how fog forms methodologically.
Instant Ice In this project, you will gain knowledge on how to make instant ice! This mind-blowing phenomenon transforms regular water that's been 'supercooled' into solid ice with just one touch. During this project, you can also learn other amazing loopholes besides just self freezing water. Learn how to create instant slushies, snow cones, and even ice sculptures! Forget ever needing to have warm liquid sodas, because within just a few hours, you can have a cold icy soda slushy. Discover this exceptional idea as I did in this project.
Balloon powered car Alternative energy, different sources, advantages and disadvantages.
A demonstration of cardboard box car powered by a balloon.

Comparing Energy Efficiency of Light Bulbs Eashana's project involves using an energy meter to find out the efficiency of various types of bulbs used today like - LEDs, CFLs, Incandescent and halogen bulbs and find out which is the most efficient of all. She will also make a comparison and talk about the various facts about these bulbs such as where to use them in the house and the environmental effects of these bulbs. The research will also include facts about how to make your home more energy efficient by talking about energy consumed by household electrics.
Electricity generating using vegetables We have seen electricity in action using a potato. We were wondering if a potato was the only possible vegetable to produce electricity. So, we are going to try a radish instead of a potato if it would power a mini light bulb.

Please Note: Shriya is doing this project with 2 of her friends from school - Ria Trivedi and Nikhita Pabbaraju. I have emailed Mr Raj to have them on the guest list.
Do the number of turns in the coil affect the rotational speed in a motor? I am going to experiment how the number of wire turns in the coil affect the speed of the electric motor.
I am going make a few DC motors with different amount of coil turn and see how it impacts the speed. I will keep the same magnet.
Pop Pop Pop Corn Popcorn pops using the moisture inside the corn kernel. Is it possible to pop more corn at a lower heat to conserve moisture, or can moisture content be increased in the corn kernel to make more corn pop from the same number of kernels? The experiment is to study the effect of different levels of heat and moisture, to maximize the number of popped corn kernels.
Airplane shapes Does a longer paper airplane fly farther than a wider one?

In this experiment, we will make paper airplanes of different lengths and widths and see which one flies the farthest. Our hypothesis is that the longer planes will fly the farthest. We will conduct the experiment indoors so that there is no issue with wind. We will do multiple trials with each airplane shape and see if we get consistent results.
WORKING OF A CAMERA Explore how camera works. Make a photogram to understand photographic on films.Make a viewer to understand basis parts of camera.Understanding digital images by making a pixelated image from a photograph.
Self-Inflating Balloons Ballons inflate by themselves when we mix vinager ansd baking soda . Vinegar, an acid, is creating a chemical reaction with the baking soda, a base. When the two substances mix, you get carbonic acid, which is unstable and decomposes (falls apart) to become carbon dioxide (the gas that’s filling the balloon!) and water. Since the carbon dioxide is much less dense than the stuff you used to create it, it wants to expand, and the balloon is stretchy enough to allow it to do just that.
Series Circuit In a series circuit, electrical charge can flow in only one circular path. When the power source is turned on, the charge particles in the wire flow in one direction around a single loop. In our experiment, we are going to make a series circuit, and then take out one of the bulbs. My hypothesis is when we take one of the light bulbs out, all of them will go out. I think this because the power flows in only one circular path.
Solar Eclipse Describes about what is Solar Eclipse, how the positions of the Sun,Moon and Earth during Solar Eclipse.How long you can feel the effect of the Eclipse from earth. Does everybody on the earth can feel the Eclipse. How do you watch Eclipse?
Impact of Ocean Currents on marine life Why is the global ocean conveyor important for the health of the oceans and the marine life in them?

A species as dependent on the oceans for survival such as our own needs to learn more about how the oceans work so that we can think of ways to compensate for changes in the currents.
The Interesting Properties of Turmeric I will be investigating the properties of turmeric in order to carry out an experiment. Turmeric is known as a spice and also for its medicinal properties. I will look into the ingredients which give turmeric its interesting properties.
Sweaty science I will be looking at the chemicals that are in sweat. I will be talking about sweat glands and types of sweat glands. Also can sweat heal you. My experiment will test conditions under which more or less sweat is produced.
Sweaty science I will be studying the chemicals that make up sweat. I will be looking at different types of glands and where they occur. Also can sweat heal. My experiment will look at conditions under which we sweat more or sweat less.
Which Chocolate melts the fastest? In the beginning I picked melting chocolate because I was learning about melting and freezing things so 'I said lets melt chocolate for my experiment.' I wanted to know how long it would take chocolates to melt. The best part of doing this experiment is to melt different chocolates and I will get to eat all of the them myself
Why the Oceans are Blue in color In this presentation ‘Why are the Oceans are Blue in color’ is to inform you that the ocean in not blue!! Many people think that the ocean is blue, but really, is no! This is because of the sky! Can you believe that!!! You might be in outer space when I said this, so I’ll talk you through the steps …….only in my presentation! Want to find out more about this? See my presentation!!!
Energy & Nuclear Power This is to present what energy means and types of energy with details and examples. After that mainly to present and talk about Nuclear power ans share useful insights about Nuclear Power. There will no hands on as such abut will try to demonstrate the energy in some form for showcasing how it is generated and used.
Coins & Corrosion
Phases of the Moon
Maglev Trains
What Happens When You Add Dish Soap to Milk?”

How does the Volume of Air in a Balloon Affect the Distance it Travels?"
Are Lights in a Parallel Circuit Brighter than in a Series Circuit?
Flower Change Colour
Chloroflurocarbons" (CFCs)
Comparative Study of Two Insulation Materials
Cabbage Chemistry
Materials that block wifi signal
Does light travel in a straight line?"
which salt is better to melt
Water Bottles you can eat. Is that a Possibility ? 
Oil & water
Is Microwaved Water Healthy for Plants Growth?


  1. Is there actually bacteria in my yogurt?
  2. Yeasty Beasties
  3. Conductivity of Distilled Water with/without Solute
  4. Electric Conductor or Insulator
  5. Electric Conductor or Insulator
  6. Viscosity Test
  7. Pan Heating
  8. Designed Dairy
  9. Magical Water Raise
  10. Why horse hair bow for a string instrument ?
  11. Ocean Pressure - How deep can a person dive in the ocean.
  12. Does Na in H2O
  13. Crazy Color Crystal Creation
  14. Density column
  15. Mini Explosions
  16. Hydro-Electricity
  17. Two Dimension Motion of Objects: Exploring Force and Distance with Catapults
  18. Understanding Density
  19. How Can Soda Damage your Teeth?
  20. Milk Come Alive
  21. Why does water boil faster than oil
  22. How do Maglev trains levitate?
  23. Soda Volcano
  24. Light
  25. Caribbean shines the US
  26. why the space is black
  27. Space Mining
  28. Rainbows
  29. Make your own Bubble Bath
  30. Can the ocean freeze?
  31. How Does Wheel Friction Impact the Speed of a Pinewood Derby Car
  32. Aquatic plants respiration
  33. Simple Electric motor
  34. Pennies Exposure
  35. What is a pacemaker
  36. Effects of exercise on heart
  37. Why planets orbit sun
  38. Levitating Magnets
  39. The Sweetest Fungicide(mold)
  40. Why do we cry?
  41. Organic Food - You are what you eat
  42. Do certain numbers or letters make a high % of people think of same color?
  43. Paper Plane Flight
  44. 1. Bio Gas OR 2. Solar/Lunar Eclipse
  45. How Light-Emitting Diodes Fade As Temperature Increases
  46. Seed Germination
  47. ROBOTS
  48. Compare static electricity produced by different materials
  49. Electromagnetism
  50. no project this year...sorry.
  51. The traveling hockey puck
  52. Sodium
  53. Liquid Density
  54. Egg survivor or egg suicide
  55. Do falling objects with differnet weight drop at the same rate
  56. Refraction
  57. Effect of Liquids on Plant Growth
  58. Make a Cloud in a Bottle
  59. Effect of Mouthwash in Our Mouth
  60. Working of a Thermometer
  61. Global Warming
  62. Solar System
  63. lava lamp
  64. Digesting Vitamins?


  1. Efficient Flight Paths using Great Circle
  2. Parachutes:  Does Size Matter?
  3. Rainbows
  4. Can Potato be used to light a light bulb?
  5. Are meteorites in my backyard?
  6. Effect of Pollutants on Ph of Water
  7. Mysteries of SOUND
  8. Alternative Electricity
  9. Crazy Crystals
  10. Change of Energy
  11. How Telephone Works
  12. how to make electricity from potatoes
  13. Black Holes
  14. If Sun Goes Missing
  15. Do different types of oil, mix or stack?
  16. Magnetic Water
  17. The Earth, Moon and Sun
  18. Everyday Chemistry - Why do Apple slices turn brown?
  19. Where do clouds come from?
  20. Does oil mix well with water,  salt, or Sugar?
  21. Volcanoes
  22. Light sabers
  23. Galaxies and the Universe
  24. How Pigs Fly
  25. Swamp Gas vs Hydrogen for Fuel
  26. Robotics
  27. Metallic Dresses of the Future
  28. Smoking-Injurious to health
  29. Are there different temperatures in my house?
  30. Kitchen Composting
  31. Lactose intolerance
  32. Water Purification
  33. Onions - stop mom from crying!
  34. The flight of a Paper Helicopter
  35. Back to the moon
  36. On a cosmic collision course - AstroPhysics
  37. How does a touch screen work?
  38. Portable solar panel
  39. Leaf Chromatography
  40. Our Body's Electric System
  41. Fruit and Vegetable Battery
  42. together w/ Lucia Jiang, present the project
  43. Halley's Comet
  44. FM Radio
  45. Water Pressure
  46. Roller Coaster Ride
  47. Which color affects algae growth in fish tanks
  48. Magnetic Forces
  49. Effect of age on Reflexes
  51. Why snakes shed their skin and Chameleons change color
  52. Action and Reaction - Newtons Third Law of Motion
  55. Go green Battery
  56. Go green Battery
  57. Going Up! A Simple Machine!
  58. Gravity
  59. Why are you different on different planets
  60. Atmospheric Pressure, egg in bottle
  61. Why Sky is blue
  62. Bacterial Terrarium
  63. Conversion of Energy
  64. Heat and Optics
  65. electric bubble
  66. air pressure
  67. lasers
  68. Fruit Power
  69. Music from Styrofoam plates
  70. Green Energy
  71. Green Energy
  72. Spinning Motor
  73. Conductors and Insulators
  74. Roller Coaster Ride
  75. Producing Electricity
  76. What is the El Nino Effect?
  77. What is the El Nino Effect?
  78. Efect of Sunlight on Gram Plants
  79. Germs
  80. Water Quality at Issac Walton Creek and Reilly.s Lock
  81.  How Solar cells work and how we can use solar energy to save the planet?
  82. Are egg shells permeable?
  83. Physics in Karate
  84. The Aerodynamics of Cars
  85. How flowers take up water
  86. Temperatures-Human ody
  87. Floating Eggs
  88. Why impact on water is greater when falling from a higher elevation
  89. Fruits, PH and | Electricity
  90. Newton's Three laws of Motions
  91. Physics
  92. Why does the Sun shine
  93. Equinox
  94. Biology
  95. Effect of Sun Rays

Previous Years

  1. Balloon Blow-up
  2. Mulch Experiment
  3. Force of Water
  4. Protein Markers in Neurological Disorders
  5. Effects of Ultraviolet Radiation on Tiger Swallowtail
  6. What causes Popcorn to Pop?
  7. How People see colour
  8. Experiment and Analysis to derive an equation for number of images in mirrors at an angle
  9. is there water on Mars
  10. Rusting of Metals
  11. Testing acidity of liquids
  12. Does wing size affect how airplanes fly?
  13. Measurements of elemental iron in cereals
  14. Global warming In a Jar
  15. Gears with Lego
  16. Ultimate Opener
  17. Ultimate opener
  18. How does a Blood Pressure Monitor work
  19. Why does the sky look blue
  20. What is the real colour of the sky
  21. Why is the earth round OR is it and not flat?
  22. Why are leaves green and not blue
  23. What makes the leaves green-
  24. Why do leaves change colour in the Fall
  25. What are Planets-how many are there
  26. Do we digest all we eat-who decides what will be digested
  27. What makes our limbs move?
  28. What is a nervous system? Why is it important?
  29. Do animals have same body parts as humans?
  30. Do animals have same internal systems as humans?
  31. What are Stars? why are some visible and some not? Why are some brighter than the others?

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