Thursday, February 11, 2016

AIS -February 13th

Hello all


1.        Hope you have your children working on their Parent's day Projects.

2.        We have 114 children formally registered AND we have received a tad more than 70 Project forms. PLEASE submit the rest-help your children

3.        We have a lot less Visitor forms than we should have. Dr. K is doing a lot to pull this off-please help us get this done

4.        It is going to be cold Saturday-please bundle up the children-OR more the adults-they are the ones who are most affected (and complain the most)!!

5.        As usual, please come after 8:00 AM


We have 4 great sessions for you (plus a backup) this Saturday:


1.        How things Fly: Learn the basic laws that govern flight: Newton's laws of motion and Bernoulli's (who is this guy!!)Principle. Class will cover how things fly: from insects to birds to man-made objects. We will watch videos. We will make some paper planes and measure amount of lift created with different paper planes.

2.        What are soaps/detergents and how do they remove dirt Learn about the history of soaps, what chemicals are in soap, demonstration of soap making and if time permits we will conduct simple surface tension experiment with talcum powder and soap drops

3.        Cloning:- Learn all about  what is cloning, how it is done, types of cloning, should humans be cloned? Would you like to see another person that looks and acts exactly like you? Are there any rules against this?

4.        Japanese Style Steam Boats: Learn all about what is steam, what is a boat, how is it made, what kinds of materials are used to make boats, why do they float, how do they move, why steam and not electricity, why and how does steam make boats move, how can speeds change  -

5.        Mystery topic –Depending on the number of children and the need


In addition, for those Parents, guests and other adults that are interested in stretching their limbs (Yoga postures, positions and stretches to limber up) the teacher will be available-AND if there is a quorum-at least ten individuals, will conduct the session. Please wear comfortable clothes.



Krishna Samavedam
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Monday, February 8, 2016

AIS - Parents Day Project Submission Form (change in due date)


If you have submitted a project, please ignore this message and have a wonderful time working with your child on his/her project. 

The AIS Parent's Day for officially registered students is on Sat Mar 12 at NIST.

Student officially registered with AISSubmit project details here

AIS-LM will provide students who are not formally registered with AIS or who are unable to present at NIST an opportunity on Sat Mar 5 at LM.

Students not officially registered with AISSubmit project details here

Deadline for submission of forms is extended to  Sunday Feb 21

If you have left the program:
  • Ignore this email
  • No need to fill out forms
  • No need to respond!!

E.Mail from Raj about Parents day: 

1.       The 2nd Saturday in MARCH (2016) is PARENT's DAY-Last day of AIS for this session and is HELD AT NIST.

2.       Parent's day is a Program where children from ALL the sites convene to present projects they have been working on  from January

3.       Projects presentations last from about 5 to 15 minutes-Average presentations so far have lasted about 10 minutes for our site kids.

4.       Your children either perform an experiment, read up on some topic and write things down (PLEASE ENCOURAGE THEM NOT TO COPY VERBATIM FROM GOOGLE or OTHER SITES) in a reasonably cogent order.

5.       We will send you the topics from previous years (as an example)

6.       Presentation charts can be Power Point/Word slides-NO FANCY Programs OR APPLICATIONS will be installed on the computers. PLEASE Keep it simple.

7.       They can bring Display Boards to Show what they did-but after their presentations.

8.       If they want to they can work with a sibling or friend (from LM or other sites)

9.       As Parents and Guardians, you are requested NOT to do their presentations for them BUT ENCOURAGED to guide them-give tips/ideas. Your kids ARE smart-they are lots more capable than they are given credit for!!


 1.       Presentations at NIST are for those that formally registered on the web site or later and paid money to AIS

2.       For those  that registered later with me, your kids will present at Lockheed Martin on the first Saturday in March

3.       For those folks that have other activities on the second Saturday and cannot have their kids present, please let me know and your kids can present at LM on the first Saturday in March.

4.       In January/early February time frame we will send out more guidance and request for information-nothing complicated but what we need for badges to enter NIST/arrival times etc-PLEASE WAIT FOR THIS TILL JANUARY

5.       All kids that do a presentation (at either place), will receive a certificate.

6.       We would like ALL the children to do a Presentation-hence we NEED you to Encourage them (AND SPEND A Little TIME with them)

Sunday, February 7, 2016




Reminder about Parents Day Visitor form (for who have not submitted). Pl. follow the instructions and send in forms ASAP. It will give us time to review and send them to NIST.

Based on the latest communication from the AIS management, the visitor information need to be submitted in the AIS Visitor Form PDF. Please read the instructions below and send us the forms.


All those parents who already have submitted, great job!! But please fill in the AIS Visitor Form PDF and send to us.


All visitors (including parents and any other whom you may want to bring along), attending parent's day March 12th at NIST, must submit the attached PDF form and send it to us.


Due Date for these forms: Feb 21st 



Please follow these steps carefully.

  1. Open the file with Adobe Acrobat Reader. (I've tested this form on both PC and Mac. Other pdf readers will corrupt the data fields!)
  2. Fill in your phone number. (Be careful about accidentally hitting the RESET button, as it will clear all the data.)
  3. Fill in the names of your AIS children at the top.
  4. Add the name of every person (one per line) who will accompany you in the car when you drive onto the NIST campus.
  5. Type each name exactly as it appears on a driver license, passport, Green card, or other photo ID.
  6. (Children under 16, [remember to type in the ages] will not need an ID, but we still need their names.)
  7. Be sure to CHECK THE CITIZENSHIP STATUS of each person entered.
  8. Hit the "SAVE" button on the form (note where on disc you save the file!). Add the last four digits of your phone number to the file name.
  9. Send the file as attachment as REPLY ALL (will go only to Raj and me) to this e.mail.

Additional Instructions for Non Citizens/Non GreenCard holders 

Please follow the instructions: 

  1. Save the e.mail attachment of the form AIS-n1260po
  2. Open it in Adobe Reader
  3. Fill in the details
  4. Save the form with file name AIS-n1260po-LastName.pdf
  5. Reopen the saved PDF to make sure that all the details are saved correctly
  6. Send PDF in e.mail the attachment to Raj and me. (,
  7. Without this form, your visitor application is incomplete


Krishna Samavedam