Thursday, January 23, 2014

AIS January 25th


Please read All items!!

1.      Please remind your kids that they should finish their Project form—let them know that “the wrath of Raj” can be bad!! Attached is a splendid example from one of the kids as an example.
2.      Attached please find a list of previous presentations and some instructions thanks to Krishna Samavedam and his resourceful wife Rupa

3.      We will talk about Parent’s day forms Saturday-Attached is a list from last year-has 3 tabs-we will go over them
4.      Some teachers have observed and are annoyed that some kids run around and be a bit wild in the class. Please let them know this is disrespectful to the teachers and not apropos behavior.
5.      We have three splendid classes for you this Saturday. None of these will be repeated again.
a.      Police Weapons and Training-a Police Officer from the County Police department is going to wow you!!
b.      It is “Crystal” clear-another amazing presentation
c.      Frog dissection-For those that missed it and those who want to perfect their dissection technique!!
6.      Do come on time to get a good chance to choose-