Hello all
Four fabulous classes this week.
You know the drill-earlier after 8:30 the better the prospect of getting a choice topic
1. Scratch programming-learn about a cool way to learn how to work magic on a computer-Software is free to download and this teacher promises to WOW you
2. Frog dissection- For those that could not attend last time-this teacher has honed this class to an art form-will make the scalpel dance in your kids' fingers!
3. Hydraulic Catapult-Learn about the power of water, build a catapult, you will be act as an Engineer design and compete. The teacher will make an Engineer out of you!!
4. Four forces of Flight-Learn about flying, what are the forces that hold up a flight AND if you are good make a boomerang AND/OR a Plane.
Remember- Parents:
Please do not forget your kids need to work on a project-research topic (read books/stuff), do an experiment;
They can do it alone/with other kids in LM, JHU or NIST.
Help them, guide them do NOT do it for them
Presentation about 5 to 10 minutes; 5 to 7 slides approximately.
Parents-Volunteer as moderators please
FOR NEW PARENTS-we will do a brief session around 9:30 AM Saturday in the Cafeteria.
See you all Saturday