Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Parent's day projects




Dr Krishna, has been tirelessly tracking and encouraging parents to register for presentations.


Few guidelines:


1.      Those who formally registered on-line can and will present at Montgomery College on the 10th of March. If you would not be present that day, let us know and you can present at Leidos on the 3rd.

2.      Those who registered late with me WILL present on the 3rd at Leidos. You are WELCOME to attend on the 10th-in fact you should, it is great fun.

3.      Please DO NOT try to perform an experiment when you are presenting-things WILL GO WRONG. Do it home and SPEAK to what was done.

4.      Per the latest note from Dr. K:

Only 45 kids have registered for the parents’ day at Montgomery College. The due date has been extended to Friday, Feb 23rd midnight.


Please work with your kid and submit the project ASAP. 





5.      This is less than a 50% response. THIS PUTS THE CONTINUITY OF THIS PROGRAM AT LEIDOS IN JEOPARDY. Many of us and some of you toil hard to prepare, present, attend and gain knowledge for you and your children. The response so far belies the interest that folks said they had. Please PROVE ME WRONG!!





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