Thursday, December 14, 2017

AIS This Saturday-LAST session for this year



I should have stuck to my instincts and NOT cancelled last week—but what is done is done.


Being the last class, I have a FEW announcements-PLEASE GET THERE BY *:45 AM-I would like to start by 8:50 AM.


As usual, come early to get the best choice- Early birds as you know get the best choice—of classes.


Hope all of you filled out the telephone numbers in the form for weather alerts


We have an interesting and exciting array of sessions this week.


To start off the “Yoga practitioners” that were deprived of the exciting session last week-will have their due this week. Please get ready for a fun-filled, exciting and enjoyable session.


We have 4 sessions for you.


1.       FROG DISSECTION: A much awaited-HANDS on-learn all about the frog-where they are found, what they eat, how do they survive, why (some say!!) that they are delicious food (Oh My!!), learn hands on cutting. Great for parents and children alike!!

2.       The ever popular MYSTERY TOPIC: Just a hint-something about electrons and such-great hands on topic

3.       Geography & Architecture: You will learn about the origin of the world, architecture through the years, what the ancient folks did and what we do now, what is architecture –a interesting and entertaining topic (I PROBABLY MESSED UP THE DESCRIPTION_IT IS WAY MORE INTERESTING THAN THAT!!)

4.       Robots and Robotics : Learn all about robots, what they are, what they do, why use robots, can they talk, walk, speak,  fall down and get up, enjoy music and movies, set up a robot

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