Tuesday, October 31, 2017






Every week starting from Nov 11 we will be taking attendance of the children. We have created a roster for the children. Please go through it and have your child remember their roll number which will be used for attendance.


The roster is at : AIS - LM - LEIDOS ROSTER


It is also on the AIS - LM Blog




Every week, we try our best to have teachers offering a variety of sessions. Some of these are parents-some come because we ask them to and love sharing their knowledge.


All these folks put in the time and effort preparing to make it fun for your children.


·         I CAN understand a few of you not being able to make it every week due to other activities. I am hoping that, since you all have registered, you will make your best effort to turn up every week.

·         Some believe they can drop their children off and pick them up-NOT Acceptable-I am beginning to know whom you are and PLEASE stay-the rest of us  enjoy your company and learn from your varied backgrounds and expertise.

·         A lot of effort has gone into securing the site and conducting these sessions

·         I am hoping that the reduced attendance last week was an anomaly-we had disappointed teachersJ

·         If there is a lack of interest, I can either:

o   reduce the number of teachers

o   move those interested to another site and disband this site OR

o   cancel the session at this site altogether.

·         All drastic steps which I never have done OR hope NOT to do.




We will be launching rockets (home-made and the one you hopefully put together from the kit) at the MONTGOMERY COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS.


ON 355 turn into CHESTNUT STREET and before thr Railway Tracks turn into the fairgrounds area.There are other ways to get there-from Perry Parkway etc.


WE WILL start by 9:00 AM-please get there by 8:45 AM.


See some requests below form Ed Celarier-the launch director-PLEASE SEND ME your names as requested below




We need commitments from parents to help out on site, from each of our AIS class sites.


We need parents to cover the following stations and responsibilities


(1) Manage automobile traffic & parking.

(2) Rocket inspection station (run through a checklist before students can get an engine)

(3) Rocket engine provisioning (load engine & fuse)

(4) Rocket repair (assist with repairs to rockets to get them through the inspection)

(5) Launchpad operations/safety

(6) Clean-up crew.


Some of these only need one person at a time (1,3)  Others will work better with 2-4 per station (2,4).  Launchpad operations probably should have one per pad.  And cleanup?  You can never have enough!


The launch is scheduled for 9:00 to around 12:00 on Saturday, November 4.


I ask that, after next week, you forward me a list of parent volunteers and their preferences for stations to work.  (I may ask some parents to take different assignments, if I have to.)  I don't need contact information.  I just need enough to get an idea of the numbers.




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