Thursday, November 6, 2014

AIS Session 11/8/2014


Hope to see ALL parents and children this week.

Will the person, Raghu, who borrowed the Physics kit return it please and let me know if you are ready to present a session?

If any of my student assistants are not coming, please let me know-ideally we want to assign one to a teacher—not necessary but just a proposal!!

At least three great sessions are planned for this week. We will add a fourth depending on the number of students.

Sessions are:

Candle making- The colours and smells of candles-making/burning them !!!
Rain/Snow/Ice More stuff from last time-Global warming/El Nino/Glaciers/Titanic!!!!
Orbits-How does Gravity work/Why satellites stay in Orbits/why you don’t fall off the moon - -!!

Please come soon after 8:30 AM to get a good number and a better choice!!


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