Friday, October 10, 2014

AIS Session 10/11/2014

Hello All

Hope all of you are as excited as I am. My blood is coursing through my body at a faster rate than normal-as someone said “it is a good thing at your age Raj”- can’t dispute that I guess!!

As a reminder,

Address: 9231 Corporate Boulevard, Rockville, MD 20850

Arrival Time; Please try to get here between 8:30 and 8:45 AM

The children’s badges are not ready yet as I kept adding names and the Security person “thought that was not funny” and stopped till the additions settled down.

Oh well-they will be ready soon

We have three splendid sessions tomorrow.

1.      Electricity Generation and Power Plants-a premier practitioner is presenting this; Will get your children on the way to becoming Engineers
2.      Circuits with Play Dough –Presented by a scientist who believes in “hands on (getting your hands dirty) activities-either make your children to experiment hands on stuff or make them fun loving kids-Oh joy!!
3.      Would you like to be Chandler-the one who makes candles- Guaranteed to start your children on the path to entrepreneurship, use their imagination and enhance their sensory skills!!

If I have forgotten to include someone you know that has registered, please forward


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