Sunday, September 7, 2014

Welcome to AIS Session of 2014-15


Greetings from the Lockheed Martin Adventure in Science Site Manager.

This is my welcome to you all. Not sure about you all –but I am very excited about the upcoming sessions starting October 11.

A few administrative items:

1.      If you have not paid till now, please do posthaste.
2.      For questions, please contact alga at She will have answers for you. If she does not, ask me and I will see if I can help.
3.      Hope all of you are coming to the “new” Parent Orientation session on September 17-I think.
4.      I have copied the Primary and secondary e-mails you provided for the distribution list. If any of you want to be removed or someone else to be added, please let me know. Also, if someone you know who has been admitted to LM is not on the list, please let them know and ask them to send me an e-mail.
5.      Classes generally begin at 9:00 and I will ask you to show up between 8:30 and 8:45 AM-on Saturdays of course!!
6.      Address is 9231 Corporate Boulevard, Rockville MD 20850 (just off Shady Grove Road)
7.      One BIG request-since this is a voluntary program, we need teachers –to share their hobbies, experience, interests, knowledge with the children and other parents. PLEASE think about what you can do. I will probably need up to 4 teachers per session.
8.      After the orientation, I will be having a brief planning session with interested parents-anyone having ideas please let me know. Depending on the size of the group, we can pick a spot to meet.

Enjoy the last bit of Summer.


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