Friday, February 14, 2014

AIS February 15th


Hope everyone survived the snow safely. What a lovely, beautiful thing-the snow was!! We could build snow piles/snowmen/skiing trails—been a long time-Great fun!!!

We will have a laptop with the forms in class this Saturday. We need the forms filled up-I need to send in the details. If you have not done it yet, please do it this Saturday.

They are talking about a wee little bit of snow Saturday morning-Nothing that the Adventurers like you will worry about I am sure.

We have three splendid classes for you this Saturday by teachers that have taken a special effort to put these together
All three relate to the human body-and very interesting.

a.      How to keep your body clean!! The Making of Soap-A wonderful experiment
b.      How to keep your body healthy-what do you and can you eat?
c.      How des pollution-water/air and other kinds affect you/your body

Do come on time to get a good chance to choose- AND COMPLETE YOUR FORMS; PARENT’s DAY INFO and MORE WILL BE PROVIDED

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