Saturday, September 21, 2013

Dear Parents ... (From Manoharan)

Dear Parents,

Welcome to AIS 2013-2014 session at Lockheed Martin.  Some of you are new to AIS and some are returning parents. 

For about 20 weeks starting from October, your children will have a great learning experience while learning something new in science every week.  There will be about 50 topics at basic level covering some broad topics like Computer, Physics, Chemistry, Ecology, Biology, Astronomy, math, food, and others.

These topics will be handled by those who are driven by an interest to teach what they learnt or knew.  The important thing is that they are all more like you with a regular daytime jobs not related to teaching. 
You too can have an active role in this program.  We request you all to actively participate in this program which is currently run with few volunteers by sharing your expertise in science.

If you are a professional teacher, that is great.  If you are a scientist or Engineer, you can think of teaching something in science.  For most of us it is a little intimidating in the beginning.  But we have seen that with some preparations, anyone can do it. Remember, you will be teaching small groups of children and each group may have about 20 kids. If you are interested, try to take a topic in which you are comfortable, include a project that can give hands on experience and make the presentation simple. All expenses towards the project will be covered.

Please go through the various topics covered in 2012 and 2013 which are posted in the AIS blog.    You can come up with your own new topics in Science.  Even if you decide not to present but are ready to help in preparing the presentation, please discuss with Raj or any of the volunteers who will provide you with necessary ideas and help.

Let us have a great teaching experience together.
Looking forward to meeting you all.

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