Sunday, October 21, 2018

Robots Rock Rockville


I thought this would be interesting to you and your family !


Wednesday, July 4, 2018

AIS Registration



Hope all of you are enjoying your summer.


Most of you registered last year should have received an email about registration.


It is expected to start this Saturday.


Please let those interested know if they have not received a note.


Good luck





Wednesday, March 7, 2018

AIS Parent's Day March 10

This the last email, from me,  for this session.


·        Since I may not be able to see all of you on Saturday, have a good summer.

·        Thanks to all those that sent pictures-some of it will be displayed on an overhead TV probably.

·        I am sure all your kids will do well presenting.

·        If some of your kids changed their mind and want to present, bring them-they may be able to-no PROMISES though.

·        Please get there by 8:30 AM-latest by 8:40 AM-the attached brochure tells you all

·        Attached is a set of information/instructions from Richard Steiner-who has a way with words. It also has instructions for moderators/children/parents etc.



As Richard says:


Attached are pdf file versions of the map and parking permit. Parents should print a copy of the parking permit and place it on their dashboard. There should be some Assistants out in the parking lots to hand out some extra permits.


Children should bring a prepared talk on a thumb drive. It can be PowerPoint or PDF format. There are not likely other presentation apps on the classroom computers. Parents should not rely upon the Internet to email themselves a copy of the talk, or grab videos, or access a different presentation app. There is no time or easy plan to switch the projector from the classroom computer to a laptop brought in by the parents.


***ESPECIALLY IMPORTANT: Sessions will start at 9:00 AM. Parents should arrive earlier than last year, at least before 8:40 AM. There were a lot of parents that waited till late to arrive last year, but that is when the regular MCC Saturday staff and adult-ed people started showing up, so there was a significant traffic jam. There are other MCC Saturday adult classes going on, so younger children should not run around or poke into other rooms that may seem to be having sessions.


Parents can park in Lot 3 if they want to be closer to Buildings BE or HS. However, the auditorium is in HT, which is closer to Lot 4 around the back side of the campus, and they should park there anyway if they are scheduled for Bldg HT.


There is no need to check in at Bldg BE or anywhere. There should be AIS Assistants around the buildings with some printed programs. The parents can print only the pages they need; we don't want to waste a tree to print and recycle tons of extra programs.


As for volunteer moderators, there should be a sheet of instructions in each room concerning whatever they might need to know, and an envelope of certificates. Basically, keep the talks moving, and moderate the adult questions to a minimum. The kids will make mistakes, but we don't want adults embarrassing them for it. Let the younger children ask most of the questions. If the moderators can erase the talks from the system at the end of the session, fine, but I suspect the MCC IT guys will do that. Presumably, someone will be at a table outside the Auditorium to collect left over Certificates that were not given out. Children are supposed to present a talk in order to get a Certificate. Also, in the event of a misspelling, they can be reprinted and mailed later.





Good luck & Cheers



Thursday, March 1, 2018

AIS March 3



a.      Azita-Please come and join us-we would love to have you

b.      If anyone has pictures-digital- that they took during the sessions or from Rocket launching, PLEASE send them to me as soon as possible (email attachments please)



PLEASE READ through.


1.      This is the last session at Leidos for this term. DO NOT COME HERE NEXT SATURDAY-NO ONE WILL BE THERE


2.      We have a full slate of activities-3 brief sessions, Children’s presentations and a party.


3.      Please arrive by 8:30 ish-I would like to start by 8:45 ish so we have enough “party time”!!


4.      For the presenters, please ask them to practice at home once at least-a suggestion.




5.      NEXT Week (March 10)-We all meet at Montgomery College in Germantown for Parent’s day-when children from all sites (including ours ) will be presenting.


6.      I sent out the Parking pass you need to put on your cars-if additional cars are coming, please download the pass and put one on the other cars too.


7.      Please arrive by 8:30 AM to find your building and room.


8.      Please bring presentations on a flash/thumb drive. NO PERFORMING EXPERIMENTS-just speaking about what was done.


9.      Presentations start at 9:00 AM


10.   Everything should get done by 11:45AM -12:00 Noon



For this Saturday we have Three (3) sessions- NO YOGA-your instructor is on vacation!!


1.      Are you a Superstar? Do you want to be one? What is a Superstar and what do you need to do to be there (Jump over Tall buildings? Walk on Water? Never Sleep?)

2.      How does Clothing and Fashion Industry affect the Environment? This is a funny, interesting  topic; you will learn things you never knew (and your parents never knew –some parents—either)

3.      Mystery topic


Please bring your family and friends, take pictures of your kids as they are presenting, have fun at the party-(Please do not forget to bring stuff for the party!!)



